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Parent Leadership Academy
The Parent Leadership Academy is a comprehensive program aimed at providing parents with the essential knowledge, skills, and resources they need to advocate effectively for their child’s education, health, and overall well-being. Through a series of free workshops, the program will equip parents with the necessary tools to become proactive and informed advocates for their children.
Explore our workshops below!

Explore & Register For Our
Parent Leadership Academy Series
Teen Talk
Tuesday, April 8th
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
SFSC DeSoto, 2251 NE Turner Ave, Arcadia, FL 34266
Childcare and Dinner Provided
Building Bright Futures: A Parent's Guide to Career Opportunities
Tuesday, May 6th
5:30 pm - 7:30 pm
SFSC DeSoto, 2251 NE Turner Ave, Arcadia, FL 34266
Childcare and Dinner Provided
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